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Policemen Cry As Bodies of Plateau Citizens Killed By Fulani Militia Are Displayed at Government House (Photos)



Policemen Cry As Bodies of Plateau Citizens Killed By Fulani Militia Are Displayed at Government House (Photos)



Police officers in tears

Police officers in tears


Two mobile policemen were reduced to tears after seeing bodies of persons killed in the deadly Plateau attack by suspected Fulani militia.


The bodies of the victims were displayed at the Plateau State Government House on Wednesday, August 25. 


Over 30 persons were killed when G0nmen suspected to be Fulani militias attacked in the early hours of Wednesday. 


Angry youths stormed the Plateau Specialist Hospital where the corpses of the victims had been deposited and evacuated them into van. 


The protesting youths later proceeded with the corpses to the State House of Assembly blocking all roads leading to the area.


Despite the address by the Speaker of the House who pleaded for calm, the youths were not satisfied with the response and proceeded to the Government House where the corpses of the victims were displayed.


A University of Jos graduate based in the city, Emeka Emmauel Nwankwo, shared photos of the two mobile policemen as they cried silently during the protest. 



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