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Lady In Pain After Boyfriend Who Sponsored Her Education Requested Refund of Every Dime He Spent On Her for Refusing Marriage



Lady In Pain After Boyfriend Who Sponsored Her Education Requested Refund of Every Dime He Spent On Her for Refusing Marriage



A lady is in serious trouble after the man who trained her in school asked for a refund after she refused his marriage proposal.


The young lady who opened up on dating him for about 12 years, right from when she was only 19 years old, disclosed that she turned down his proposal because according to her he’s not educated and a local champion.


She also stated that owing to her level of exposure, she won’t welcome such a man to be the father of her kids.


Consequently, the man in question has requested that she pays him for all the expenses he has made for her sake ever since they started dating.


She wrote:


“I and this guy started dating 12 years ago when I was 19, saw I was 19, saw me through WAEC and university. Well, we planned to marry but I told him it has to be after my University because the reason he’s training me is because I have accepted to marry him. Life happened and I’m not more interested. He’s not educated and a local champion…”


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