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Ikpeazu Faults Nigeria’s Security Architecture, Calls For County Police



Ikpeazu Faults Nigeria’s Security Architecture, Calls For County Police


Ikpeazu Faults Nigeria’s Security Architecture, Calls For County Police
Okezie Ikpeazu

Abia State Governor, Okezie Ikpeazu, has faulted the current security architecture, calling it a skewed model that does not allow for timely intervention in matters of national emergency.

He called for a decentralised policing system, allowing for county police.

Ikpeazu stated this on Monday while delivering the keynote address at the fifth edition of The Osasu Show Symposium 2021, at the International Conference Centre, Abuja.

He said, “We have a skewed security architecture. The uniqueness of our security challenge requires that we not only have a state police but also county police.”

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Referencing the recent kidnappings and attacks in Plateau State, Ikpeazu blamed the worsening security crisis on an overly centralised policing system.

He said, “If we had state police and county police, we would have been able to apprehend the criminals.

“By the time information leaves Plateau State to Abuja and back, we must have lost previous time.

“When a governor who is called the Chief Security Officer of his state relies on his Commissioner of Police to receive a directive from Abuja, it leaves so much to be desired.”


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