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Hackers Steal $600 Million In Cryptocurrency Heist



Hackers Steal 0 Million In Cryptocurrency Heist



A staggering $600m (£433m) has been stolen by h@ckers from a blockchain site.


The amount  appears to be one the largest cryptocurrency heists ever.


The Blockchain site Poly Network confirmed the news, saying h@ckers had exploited a vulnerability in its system and taken thousands of digital tokens such as Ether.


In a letter posted on Twitter, it urged the thieves to “establish communication and return the h@cked assets”.


In scale, the h@ck on par with huge recent breaches at exchanges such as Coincheck and Mt Gox.


In its letter Poly Network said: “The amount of money you have h@cked is one of the biggest in defi [decentralised finance] history.

“Law enforcement in any country will regard this as a major economic crime and you will be pursued.

“The money you stole are [sic] from tens of thousands of crypto community members, hence the people.”


Poly Network urged various exchanges to block deposits of the coins, after millions of dollars in tokens were transferred to separate cryptocurrency wallets.


About $267m of Ether currency has been taken, $252m of Binance coins and roughly $85 million in USDC tokens.


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