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Driver Arraigned For Allegedly Destroying Watermelon Worth N1.5 million



Driver Arraigned For Allegedly Destroying Watermelon Worth N1.5 million



Driver Arraigned For Allegedly Destroying Watermelon Worth N1.5 million


An Ile-Ife Magistrates’ Court has arraigned a 35-year-old driver, Usman Abubakar, for allegedly destroying 300,000 pieces of watermelon valued at N1.5 million.

The accused person allegedly committed the offence on August 4, 2021, around 7.22 p.m. at Toll Gate Ibadan Road in Ile-Ife.

The Prosecutor, Inspector Sunday Osanyintuyi, told the court that the accused person maliciously damaged 300,000 pieces of watermelon valued N1.5 million, a property belonging to Asiru Bako.

He added that the accused person deliberately refused to transport the watermelon to Lagos State as agreed upon, knowing that the fruit was perishable goods.

The offence committed contravened the provisions of Section 451 of the Criminal Code, Laws of Osun, 2002.

The accused person, however, pleaded not guilty to the charge levelled against him.

The Defence Counsel, Mr Leke Dada, prayed the court to grant his client bail in the most liberal terms.

Magistrate Adewumi Oyebadejo admitted the accused person to bail in the sum of N250,000 with two sureties in like sum.

Oyebadejo added that the sureties must swear to an affidavit of means.

The case was adjourned till August 30 for hearing.


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