Big Brother Titans housemates, Ebubu and Tsatsii have emerged Head of House for the fourth week of the reality show. The pair identified as ‘the Royals...
Big Brother Naija Level Up housemate, Chichi has emerged this week’s HoH and also the supreme veto power holder for the season. Chichi emerged Head of...
Phyna has emerged as the winner of this week’s Head of Hosue games; week 8. As usual, housemates had to fight for their immunity this week,...
Big Brother Naija, BBNaija season 7 housemate has emerged head of house for this week. Dotun emerged HoH after he won the task for the week....
After a series of games, level 1 housemate Eloswag as once again emerged as this week’s head of house and the privileges include Immunity from this...