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Police Kill 30 Hoodlums In Zamfara



Police Kill 30 Hoodlums In Zamfara


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Nigerian Police Force

The Zamfara State Police Command has killed 30 hoodlums in Gobirawa, Gora, Rini and Madoti Dankule villages of Maradun and Bakura Local Government Areas the state.

In a statement issued on Tuesday by the Police Public Relations Officer, SP Mohammed Shehu, the operation followed a distress call it received about the simultaneous attacks in the areas.

“On receipt of the distress call, Tactical Operatives of the Command comprising of Puff Adder, Special Forces, PMF and CTU led by the Commander 78 PMF arrived the scenes and engaged the attackers to a G0n duel,” the statement partly read.

“As a result of the encounter, about 30 hoodlums were neutralised while others escaped to the forest with a possible G0nshot wound.”

The police spokesman said operatives discovered about 10 corpses of the villagers littered at the different areas., adding that the mop-up operation is ongoing with a view to arresting the perpetrators of the dastardly act. Further details of the operation will be communicated in due course.

He also asked residents of the state to cooperate with security agencies in order to effectively fight criminal elements terrorising the people.


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