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Dele Momodu Picks Up N40m PDP Presidential Form



Ovation magazine boss, Dele Momodu, has purchased the N40 million presidential form of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

In a post on Facebook, Dele Momodu stated that he was able to purchase the form through donations made by young Nigerians.

This is as he called on the PDP to take advantage of the opportunity to rescue Nigeria and set the coutnry on the right part.

He wrote, “My dear friends and colleagues, good day.

Earlier today, March 25, 2022, I picked up the letter of intent and nomination form to contest the Primaries for the 2023 Presidential election on the platform of our great party, the Peoples Democracy party (PDP).

“As you all know, Ladies and Gentlemen, N40 million is a lot of money in any currency but it is the big sacrifice we must make for the sake of this generation and generations unborn in our great country. Nigeria has been effectively hijacked by a political class that cares only about itself and almost nothing about unity, development and progress of the nation and the good people of our dear beloved country.

“I want to thank all the kind-hearted Nigerians who contributed every kobo raised so far for this laudable project. I am particularly grateful to the young Nigerians who donated from N500 to N20,000 after my appeal on social media. I am deeply touched by their act of uncommon generosity, especially because I know of their tough financial situations. It is gratifying and humbling for me that from the very little that they possess, Nigeria comes first. God will bless them.

“I’m proud to stand resolutely to challenge those who feel Nigeria and Nigerians can be bought or bribed by the highest bidder. The time for the rejection of such a notion is now. Nigerians will no longer sell their soul for 20 pieces of silver, and I make bold to say that they are prepared to make this statement and are relying on the political parties for the opportunity to demonstrate that this is the case, by giving to them worthy candidates rather than a recycling of the failed so-called political juggernauts.

“Like many Nigerians, I’m vehemently opposed to ethnic jingoists who see where they come from as the only prerequisite qualification for aspiring to lead Nigeria, no matter how ugly and inglorious their past had been.

“I wish to appeal to all men and women of good conscience to join me in this movement to put a stop to the rascality of those who feel Nigerians are permanently helpless and hopeless and that we can be Lorded upon simply because we have chosen to be silent. We will no longer acquiesce in this state of affairs. I modestly say that through our collective efforts, the silent and voiceless majority now have a voice and representative in me.

“I humbly come into this political contest with a pedigree of integrity, reputation, solid education, tolerance, business acumen, sharp vision and competence. I possess everything it takes to win the 2023 Presidential election on behalf of my Party, PDP, and I will be greatly honoured to get the ticket and support of my esteemed party for this purpose.

“The time has come for my party, PDP to take advantage of this unique opportunity to present an uncommon candidate who’s tailor made for this moment and purpose. I’m fresh and free from the usual encumbrances associated with most of our career politicians.

“Despite not being in government or power, my business and I have been one of the biggest brands out of Africa in the last three decades. I have the capacity to reunite Nigeria instantly. I am instantly recognised and warmly welcomed and received wherever I go by the generality of our people whether elites, middle class or the common man.

“Without being immodest or boastful, I am glad to profess that I have verifiably touched lives in every part of Nigeria. The youths of Nigeria and Africa see me as their role model. I have created enduring opportunities for them and used my talents and material resources to reproduce multiple millionaires in farming, fashion, music, comedy, Media, events, hospitality, and entrepreneurship. I have personally given succour and palliatives to thousands of Nigerians in all parts of Nigeria without any discrimination whatsoever. Without access to government money or Constituency allowances, I have touched more Nigerians globally than our career politicians. I have given scholarships to hundreds of indigent students at home and abroad.

“You may be wondering how I intend to defeat the Billionaire and powerful politicians in the two mainstream political parties with the reckless Naira and Dollar rain with which they are already flooding everywhere, I place my faith in God Almighty and in the long-suffering people of Nigeria as well as in my unblemished record of excellence, integrity, youthfulness, mental capacity, tolerance, courage, wisdom and global experience and exposure. It would be difficult to find anyone with more intimidating credentials amongst the members of the current political class.

“I expect our party PDP to hearken to the cries of Nigerians for a new type of leadership and not a rehash and regurgitation of the same monied class or cabals who have nothing but calamitous corruption, monumental misery and unprecedented disaster to offer our unfortunate citizens.

“The world has already left us way behind as a result of our addiction to narcoleptic leadership and the inability to exorcise the daemons of democracy. We can rid ourselves of the manacles and sh@ckles of the depressive state and oppressive nature created by much vaunted purported political demigods and warlords.

“By so doing, we will free ourselves from our current dire predicament and make brisk progress in nation building which is what all well-meaning Nigerians desire and deserve, desperately.

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