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Council of Intimacy and Proximity, Almuhaddathiyah by Sheikh Sideeq Oyedotun Insha Allah



Muhaddathîn are those with whom Allâh converses more directly and frequently than with other believers.

To this class belong the Friends of Allâh (auliyâʾ) and other Saints who have reached the station of walâyat.

Among them are also the mujaddadîn, who are appointed by Allâh for the reformation of His religion.

The station of muhaddathîyat محدثٌيت is the highest station a follower of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) can reach.

He has the station and rank of a Prophet, but he cannot be conceived as Prophet or as a member of a subclass of Prophets.

He is among the ones who have received their light from the Divine Light.

Behold the Light of Allâh from the lamps of these holy Saints who have gone before.

They are the signs and guide on the road of divine seekers.

“While the thirsty seek water, water also seeks the thirsty” .

Sheikh Sideeq Oyedotun Insha Allah

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