Tayblet, the Nigerian music star, releases a new single which is titled “Pawo” The well enchanted song serves as Tayblet‘s latest entry this year following previously...
Tayblet, the Nigerian music sensation, drops a new song titled “Go Hard” Furthermore, the amazing 2024 record features Award-winning superstars, Bhadboi OML and BhadBoi OML who...
Nigerian hit-maker and talented artist, Tayblet, drops off an impressive single titled “Vibration“. The well enchanted song serves as Tayblet‘s latest entry this year following previously...
Nigerian hit-maker and music sensation, TAYBLET, releases an amazing new track titled “Omo Ologo (cover)” The song “Omo Ologo (cover)” is a perfect addition to any...
Nigerian vibrant singer & songwriter, Tayblet has launched a new extended playlist titled, “I’m Coming”. Tayblet puts outs his second body of work, following the successes...