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Baby Boy Becomes the First In the World to Be Born With Three Penises





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Doctors in Iraq have claimed a baby with a rare condition called, triphallia has been born with three p*n!ses, according to a report by Sun UK.


The baby is the first person in the world with the condition.



The unidentified boy was three months old when it was discovered he had three p*n!ses, MailOnline reported, and it’s not clear why it hadn’t been discovered at his birth.


His parents, from Duhok city, had brought him into hospital because he had swelling in his scrotum and “two skin projections”.


But to the doctors’ shock, they discovered these protrusions were p*n!ses, 2cm and 1cm in length.


However, they did not perform like functioning organs – neither had a urethra to wee from and it is unclear from the report if they were connected to the reproductive system.


Only one of the extra p*n!ses had a head. 


Doctors diagnosed supernumerary p*n!ses – an extremely rare condition first seen in 1609, in which a baby is born with more than one p*n!s.


The condition affects one in every five to six million births and is never the same from one case to another, the report said. 


Some 100 cases of babies born with two p*n!ses have been reported in medical literature, and in some cases both p*n!ses work.


Previously doctors in India claimed they had treated a two-year-old boy born with three p*n!ses and no anus, but it appears the story was never written up in a medical journal.


Sometimes it can be accompanied with other problems, such as a double bladder. 


For example, one baby born with two p*n!ses in Russia also had a third leg and no anus.


The team in Iraq led by Dr Shakir Saleem Jabali said there was no evidence of any other health issues in the infant. 


They looked into whether the baby had been exposed to alcohol or drugs during his pregnancy – which he had not.


They were stumped as to how the condition could have occurred.


But decided the best option was to carefully remove the two extra stubs while the baby was put under anaesthesia.


A year later, the baby was healthy and had recovered well but will need check-ups as he goes through puberty and “before marriage”, the report said.


Dr Jabali wrote: “Triphallia (three p*n!ses) is unreported condition in human until now.


“Treatment is difficult because it poses medical, ethical, and cosmetic aspects.”


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